I have talked to many women about this, and I have felt this myself, so this is why I want to write about this today..
Early on in our marriage I struggled with loving myself, I struggled with feeling confident towards my husband and our relationship! I wouldn't believe the compliments he gave me even though I was searching for his validation in everything I did, but when he gave it, I wouldn't acknowledge it because in my eyes it wasn't true! It caused many unnecessary arguments that lead to disconnection but the truth was..I didn't feel like I deserved his love.. because I didn't love myself!
Ladies just consider, when you don’t feel good about yourself, it causes disconnection in ALL of your relationships!!!
Think about the relationships you have in your life…
Can you put complete focus on your husband if you are feeling like crap about yourself?
When he gives you compliments can you accept them and believe them?
When he wants alone time and your feeling like crap can you fully give yourself to him and those moments?
Can you show your kids how to love themselves and live like they do.. if you don't love yourself?
Do you have the energy needed to have fun and play with them?
Are you showing them how to live healthy?
Are you showing them the importance of a active lifestyle?
When hanging around your co-workers and friends can you be confident in yourself?
When your out and about, are you always comparing yourself to others and resenting them and yourself?
See what you don’t realize is that when you personally don’t love yourself.. you have a DISCONNECTION with yourself.. and those in your life!
Women often think that taking time for themselves to get a workout in, investing in a healthy lifestyle, and putting yourself first is a selfish thing.. but in reality, it benefits not only you.. but the relationships you have!
I truly believe that when you learn how to live a healthy lifestyle..
When you start to create the body that you want..
When you hit those goals..
When you look in the mirror you are happy to see yourself!
And when that happens you begin to feel the connection deepen within your relationships!
This is one of the many reasons why me and my husband created our new married couples program: The Elite Couples Transformation..
Because we KNOW the disconnection that is there when you don't love yourself!
We know that in order to have a deeper relationship you must be able to focus on your personal goals.
If you are wanting to RECONNECT, STRENGTHEN, or just better your marriage in the next 90 days, then you don't want to miss out on this program.
During this program you and your spouse will learn tools and techniques to DRAMATICALLY change your marriage!
While transforming your body and lifestyle through exercise and nutrition.
We want to teach couples how fitness can make a huge difference in themselves and their marriage.
If you would like to join this program and find out if it's the right program for you and your spouse, click the link below to apply.
Only 10 couples will be accepted into this program and not everyone who applies will be accepted.
We want couples who are ACTION TAKERS!
Couples you are ready to COMMIT to each other in a completely new and life changing way!
If that sounds like you and your spouse then click the link and apply now!
This isn't about saving your marriage, it's about bringing it to LIFE!