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Fit Life After Baby Tyke

Let me just be real honest.. My body IS NOT where I thought it would be 9 months after having my baby boy! I thought I would be ready to step on stage in the August NPC Bikini comp..

This is me 9 months postpartum

But for a couple of months after having my baby boy.. my body was not responding to anything!! and when I say it wasn’t responding.. what I mean is.. I was 100% on point with my nutrition, workouts and cardio and nothing would budge!

It took a lot of long frustrating months to get my body moving.. and mentally I was losing it!

It so frustrating to be busting your butt in the gym, not giving into any food temptations and see nothing happen!

But I didn’t give up… I kept going to the gym everyday. I kept staying on track, eating clean whole foods.. and I kept doing my best. Why? because for me and my husband.. this is our lifestyle!

Me and Hubs hitting the gym :) back in April

Not going to the gym everyday just seems mind boggling to me! Eating junk meal after meal, day after day just seems nasty.

Now I am NOT saying that we don’t have our days that we struggle to stay on track!

I for sure have days I am not up for the gym, actually...way more days now since becoming a mom!

Cause just look at my baby boy!

and somedays my peanut butter tooth gets the best of me! that darn delicious peanut butter!!

But the thing is.. we don’t stop.

When you start the habits and continue to do them day after day, month after month, year after year.. Its who you become.

It does take daily work. It does take self discipline.

but it pays off!

Even though I didn’t think I was seeing any results.. I was.

Physically.. I was gaining more muscle and getting stronger in my lifts..

but mentally I was learning how to balance mom life with gym life.

I was learning how to have that self discipline with my meal plans that I had lost the 9 months of pregnancy.

And I was learning how to not give up when you just aren’t seeing the results you want.

I have had many chats with women who get frustrated with the scale, or their slow results!

But the thing is... results are results! The little weight that comes off each week turns into a lot of weight that comes off in the long run!

You just have to keep going! Create the lifestyle!

When you are frustrated... think about the changes you are seeing! Not the changes your not! Think about the mental progress you have made other than your just your body!

See what most people forget when they are going after their goals is how far they come.

Even if its just been a week.. you are still doing better then you were a week ago!

“No matter how slow your are going, you still will lap the person doing nothing!”

Cassidy Johnson

P.S. If you would like to know how I can help you achieve your fitness goals, then I am accepting a few more girls into my 90 day program. If you are interested and want to know how I can help you Click Here

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